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Why do we have a Booster Club?

The Ishpeming High School Booster Club’s main role is to support Ishpeming High School athletic programs.  The booster club has raised and donated funds over the past several years that have exceeded $10,000 annually.  The booster club also assists parents with the cost of “Pay to Participate.”  Without the Ishpeming High School Sports Booster Club’s efforts and donations, many IHS athletes would not have the opportunity to be involved in our athletic programs.  Additional reasons for having a booster club are:  1.) to help build school spirit and 2.) to provide a tool to keep parents and boosters informed about Ishpeming High School sports.

What do I have to do to become a booster club member?

All you need to do is attend a meeting.

When are the meetings and how long are they?

The meetings are scheduled once a month, from August to May.  The meetings are scheduled on the 4th Monday of each month, unless there is a scheduling confilict, at 7:00 p.m. in room 100 of the high school.  Meetings usually last approximately one hour.

What happens at a booster meeting?

Ideas on how to best support IHS sports are discussed.  IHS sports updates are provided, along with decisions on how best to appropriate booster funds.

Do I have to make every meeting?

No.  While it’s ideal to have many members at each meeting, it’s understood that family and work situations may dictate attendance.

Besides meetings, what other obligations will I have as a booster?

None.  From time to time some committees areformed for special projects or events.  However, they are few in number and are strictly voluntary.

Where can I get more information about the Booster Club and its meetings?

On the Ishpeming High School Sport Booster Club Facebook page by clicking here.

As a parent of an athlete I already volunteer to help during the year and pay for my student to play, why should I participate in the Boosters?

To help support all IHS sport programs and athletes.

How much does it cost to be a member?

There is no cost, membership is free.

Please consider becoming an IHS Sports Booster Club member. We want you and the student athletes need you!  Come join us at either a sporting event or meeting!