Ishpeming Public Schools
Schools of Choice
2024-25 School Year
(Students Must Be Residing Within the Marquette-Alger RESA)
(Section 105 State School Aid Act)
The Ishpeming Public School District is accepting new non-resident schools of choice applications for the 2024-25 school year for grades young fives through grade 4 at the Birchview Elementary School; grades 5-8 at the Ishpeming Middle School; and grades 9-12 at the Ishpeming High School.
Applications are available at the Birchview Elementary School, the Ishpeming Middle/High School, Superintendent’s Office, and District website (www.ishpemingschools.org). Applications will be accepted thru September 6, 2024, with an enrollment date no later than September 9th.
For further information regarding Schools of Choice, please call 485-5501 Ext. 431.
The first day of school for the 2024-25 school year will be August 27th.