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Title VI -- American Indian Education

Title VI Programming at Ishpeming Schools:

How does the funding work?

The Title VI Program grant requirements are largely met and maintained through our Schoolwide Assistance Title I grant program, primarily due to our small population of students who qualify for Title VI.  At one time, Title VI (then called Title VII) was a ‘stand-alone’ program with a full-time coordinator, due to having a much larger percentage of Native American students who qualified for Title VI.  At the current time, the small percentage of funds received for Title VI provide a fraction of the salary for the current appointed (part-time) coordinator to ensure requirements of the program are being met.  

What are the requirements of the program?

The current grant cycle is written as such that the coordinator (also, the district’s school counselor) is responsible for communicating with students and parents about any special events, programs or services that may be available to Indian students through local or regional institutions, agencies or tribal communities, and makes sure Indian students are receiving any additional support services they may need in the educational setting, including social-emotional support, in which they meet with students individually and in groups to provide such.  Also maintained is an educational Title VI Bulletin Board and this webpage, as well as a collection of notes taken on how teachers are actively utilizing a more culturally integrated curriculum into their instruction.  Other annual requirements include a public hearing that informs the public of the role of Title VI and services involved and also meetings with the Parent Committee, who has a voice in the direction of Title VI in the school.

How does a student become eligible for Title VI? 

Each year, in the beginning-of-year registration packet the school sends home, included is an ED506 Form.  The ED506 Form asks the student’s tribal affiliation and requires all information to be provided for the student to be considered eligible as a Title VI student.  This form is a basic, one-page form that simple to fill out and only needs to be submitted by the parent and filed by the school one time during a student’s stay at Ishpeming.  There is no need to fill it out each year but all information must be included for it to count.

How does one become involved in the Parent Committee?  How can people become more involved in Title VI education?

All parents of Title VI students are encouraged to attend the annual Parent Committee meetings as members of the committee.  All members are asked for their input to help influence the future direction of the Title VI program.