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Food Service

Meal Prices:

Student Lunch Price:  FREE
Student Breakfast Price:  FREE
Adult breakfest and lunch:  $4.00

As a participant in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), District prices for lunch, breakfast and milk are set based on federal guidelines.  All students in the District fall under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) therefore, all students will receive free breakfast and lunch. 

Checks for deposits need to be made out to the “Ishpeming Public Schools.”

Questions or comments can be sent to:  Calvin Attwell, Food Service Director at (906) 485-5501 ext. 425 or by e-mail by clicking here.  Calvin will be running the food service programs for both the Ishpeming and Negaunee Public Schools, so all email will coming from his Negaunee Schools email address.  Low balance email reminders will also be automated and sent out by his address.

Family Portal:

To check balances of lunch accounts please setup an account at this link: